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钢筋混凝土(RC)板与一定厚度的土颗粒缓冲层组合结构被广泛用于山区高位单体及群发性崩塌落石的防治,为研究此类防护结构在落石作用下的冲击力衰减规律及RC板的破坏模式,开展了室外系列落石冲击试验。结果表明,增大缓冲层厚度能够有效减小最大冲击力,峰值加速度随缓冲层厚度减小而增大,尤其在缓冲层厚度为0.1 m及0.2 m时,最大值急剧增大,峰值加速度与缓冲层厚度的变化满足指数函数关系;根据量纲分析原理得到缓冲层最大冲击深度与动能的平方成正比、与最大入射冲击力成反比的计算公式,且与实测值较吻合;入射冲击力在缓冲层内的衰减率随缓冲层厚度的增加以指数函数递增,在0.6 m缓冲层厚度下可使峰值冲击力衰减70%左右;随累积冲击能级的增大,RC板经历了弯曲起裂及扩展、次级弯曲裂纹和剪裂纹产生及跨中弯曲裂纹贯通的过程,试验结束时RC板整体表现出典型的弯曲破坏特征。  相似文献   
青藏铁路路基创造性采用了主动冷却路基的设计理念修建而成,目前铁路已经安全运营超过10年。青藏铁路路基修筑在多年冻土之上,路基下部冻土温度变化是衡量路基是否稳定的关键因素。基于长期(2008—2019年)地温观测资料,对昆仑山垭口南坡青藏铁路K980+000低温多年冻土区块石路基坡脚至坡脚外30 m范围内的冻土上限变化、年际地温变化、季节性地温变化进行分析,研究了路基工程行为对低温多年冻土的长期影响机制。结果表明:冻土地温不断升高,冻土上限逐年下移;与天然孔比较,路基坡脚处地温增温幅度反而较小,主要可能受块石路基冷却效应的影响;冷季与暖季呈现出不对称的增温趋势。冻土路基普遍增温的趋势仍然存在,出于对多年冻土的保护与保证工程稳定性的考虑,应尽量采用冷却路基的思想修建路基。同时,应加强对路基的监测,分析长期增温过程后路基稳定性变化,并对路基下部冻土的变化做出定量研究。  相似文献   
We constrain the multistage tectonic evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic UHT metamorphic(P=0.9–1.0 GPa,T>1000℃,t=2088–2031 Ma)Bakhuis Granulite Belt(BGB)in Surinam on the Guiana Shield,using large-to small-scale structures,Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry and published fluid inclusion and zircon geochronological data.The BGB forms a narrow,NE–SW striking belt between two formerly connected,~E–W oriented granite-greenstone belts,formed between converging Amazonian and West African continental masses prior to collision and Transamazonian orogeny.Inherited detrital zircon in BGB metasediments conforms agewise to Birimian zircon of West Africa and suggests derivation from the subsequently subducted African passive margin.Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism may have followed slab break-off and asthenospheric heat advection.Peak metamorphic structures result from layer-parallel shearing and folding,reflecting initial transtensional exhumation of the subducted African margin after slab break-off.A second HT event involves intrusion,at ca.0.49 GPa,of charnockites and metagabbros at 1993–1984 Ma and a layered anorthosite at 1980 Ma,after the BGB had already cooled to<400℃.The event is related to northward subduction under the greenstone belts,along a new active margin to their south.A pronounced syntaxial bend in the new margin points northward towards the BGB and is likely the result of indentation by an anticlinorial flexural bulge of the subducting plate.Tearing of the subducting oceanic plate along this bulge explains why the charnockites are restricted to the BGB.The BGB subsequently experienced doming under an extensional detachment exposed in its southwestern border zone.Exhumation was focused in the BGB as a result of the flexural bulge in the subducting plate and localised heating of the overriding plate by charnockite magmatism.The present,straight NE–SW long-side boundaries of the BGB are superimposed mylonite zones,overprinted by pseudotachylites,previously dated at ca.1200 Ma and 950 Ma,respectively.The 1200 Ma mylonites reflect transpressional popping-up of the BGB,caused by EW-directed intraplate principal compressive stresses from Grenvillian collision preserved under the eastern Andes.Further exhumation of the BGB involved the 950 Ma pseudotachylite decorated faulting,and Phanerozoic faulting along reactivated Meso-and Neoproterozoic lineaments.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the sources of alkali and alkaline-earth elements based on the geochemistry of groundwater and surface water in Dschang concerning environmental and anthropogenic constraints. A comprehensive set of 50 samples from groundwater and surface water were analyzed by ICPMS and processed by spatial interpolation in a GIS environment. The results highlight a geochemical anomaly at the center of the densely inhabited area subject to a profusion of open dumps discharges. This anomaly with the highest spatial contents of Be(Cs, Rb, Mg) suggests an anthropogenic source that demarcates with the lowest alkali and alkaline-earth elements on the peripheral area of Dschang. Other findings include lithological constraints with volcanic rocks being the main source compared to granitoid.The study points out good correlations between Be, Cs, Rb and Mg spatial distributions and physicochemical parameters of waters(K, EC, TDS), and inversely with the lowest p H. p H is established as the most functioning physico-chemical constraint of alkali and alkaline-earth mobility in Dschang. The p H lowest values within the geochemical anomaly also highlight the impact of human activities on water acidity, which later enhance elements mobility and enrichment. Despite low elements contents relative to WHO standards, our findings point out an example of anthropogenic impact on water geochemistry linked to solid waste pollution; it also demonstrates significant anthropogenic changes of environmental physicochemical parameters of prime importance in the mobility and distribution of elements in the study area.Similar assessments should be extended in major towns in Cameroon.  相似文献   
李毅恒  汪在聪  何琦 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2889-2900
NWA 8545 是一块玄武质无球粒陨石,它与碳质陨石(CC)NWA 011 成对.CC 被认为是来自于外太阳系的一类物质,由于同位素异常,它们区别于来自内太阳系的非碳质陨石(NC).NWA 011 及其成对陨石作为CC中稀有的玄武质无球粒陨石,其记录的岩浆过程可以被用来研究外太阳系早期行星母体的岩浆活动.本文利用扫描电镜、电子探针和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)对NWA 8545 中的辉石、斜长石和陨磷钙钠石进行岩相学以及原位主微量元素的分析,并根据矿物模式丰度计算全岩稀土元素含量.电子探针结果显示NWA 8545 与 HED族陨石Eucrite(钙长辉长无球粒陨石)具有相似的主量元素特征,同时其岩相学与5 型Eucrite类似.激光微量数据表明辉石、斜长石和陨磷钙钠石的稀土元素配分都表现出略微的Ce异常,但其辉石的Ba、Sr等元素并未出现明显的富集现象,即该陨石受地球风化作用影响不明显.利用辉石和斜长石的稀土元素含量,计算平衡熔体的成分,显示其平衡熔体的成分都与全岩的成分比较接近,可以认为两者是在封闭的体系下接近同时结晶.结合变质过程和母体岩浆的成分,本文认为NWA 8545 是由其母体岩浆在经历分离结晶过程后喷发到母体行星表面冷却形成的.  相似文献   
时志强  王美玲  陈彬 《古地理学报》2021,23(6):1067-1081
中国北方烧变岩分布广泛,见于以昆仑山—秦岭—大别山为界的中国北方地区多个沉积盆地边缘,但地质学家对其研究较为薄弱。野外调查显示中国北方烧变岩主要以4种方式分布: (1)大面积连片分布,(2)沿山脉走向的线状分布,(3)沿河流下切河谷分布,(4)为第四系黄土覆盖。烧变岩主要为侏罗系、石炭—二叠系煤层自燃所致。各类型的烧变岩在中国烧变岩区不同程度发育,具瓷化结构、白化结构、烧熔结构、残余构造、气孔构造、微柱状节理、角砾状构造、垮塌构造、裂缝充填等结构和构造。其颜色以砖红色、赭红色、棕色、钢灰色最为典型,岩石中发育鳞石英、方石英、堇青石、铁堇青石、莫来石等典型高温矿物。中新世以来,中国西部、北部地区构造活动强烈,干旱气候加剧,烧变岩也主要形成于这一时期,但煤层自燃与构造运动、环境变化、古野火事件的耦合关系还鲜有提及,其所蕴含的各种地质信息值得在今后的研究中予以关注。  相似文献   
通过对福建省漳平市凤山矿区石墨矿近年来硐探、钻探等地质资料系统的梳理,在分析矿区地质特征和矿体特征的基础上,深入研究了石墨矿的控矿因素。研究认为该区石墨矿是由赋存于中二叠统童子岩组的无烟煤经过高温、高压作用进一步变质而成的。煤层受到岩浆热变质作用使碳物质(煤)分解,重新富集形成以隐晶质(土状)为主的隐晶质石墨矿,因此本区石墨矿的控矿因素是温度和构造。由于过往对福建煤系石墨资源的研究程度不够深入,造成大部分煤系石墨矿划归煤矿,致使石墨矿资源被浪费,本次通过野外地质勘查、采样样品测试等工作,确定了凤山矿区为煤系石墨矿,为下一步勘探工作提供有力依据,为合理开发利用矿产资源指明新的方向。  相似文献   
Achieving long-term climate mitigation goals in Japan faces several challenges, starting with the uncertain nuclear power policy after the 2011 earthquake, the uncertain availability and progress of energy technologies, as well as energy security concerns in light of a high dependency on fuel imports. The combined weight of these challenges needs to be clarified in terms of the energy system and macroeconomic impacts. We applied a general equilibrium energy economic model to assess these impacts on an 80% emission reduction target by 2050 considering several alternative scenarios for nuclear power deployment, technology availability, end use energy efficiency, and the price of fossil fuels. We found that achieving the mitigation target was feasible for all scenarios, with considerable reductions in total energy consumption (39%–50%), higher shares of low-carbon sources (43%–72% compared to 15%), and larger shares of electricity in the final energy supply (51%–58% compared to 42%). The economic impacts of limiting nuclear power by 2050 (3.5% GDP loss) were small compared to the lack of carbon capture and storage (CCS) (6.4% GDP loss). Mitigation scenarios led to an improvement in energy security indicators (trade dependency and diversity of primary energy sources) even in the absence of nuclear power. Moreover, preliminary analysis indicates that expanding the range of renewable energy resources can lower the macroeconomic impacts of the long term target considerably, and thus further in depth analysis is needed on this aspect.

Key policy insights

  • For Japan, an emissions reduction target of 80% by 2050 is feasible without nuclear power or CCS.

  • The macroeconomic impact of such a 2050 target was largest without CCS, and smallest without nuclear power.

  • Energy security indicators improved in mitigation scenarios compared to the baseline.

The circum-Gondwana subduction initiated by the early Cambrian has been suggested to reflect the establishment of the modern plate tectonics. The metamorphic rocks with low thermobaric (T/P) ratios indicative of cold subduction in the present tectonic regime have not been well investigated. To better understand the circum-Gondwana subduction and to test its possible link with the emergence of the modern plate tectonics, this study focused on blueschist-facies metamorphic rocks in the Altyn Tagh of the southeastern Tarim craton. Mineral assemblage and chemistry, phase equilibrium modelling, and quartz-in-garnet Raman elastic geobarometry reveal that the zoisite blueschist and glaucophane (Gln)-bearing quartz schist in northern Altyn Tagh were metamorphosed to lawsonite to epidote blueschist-facies at 520–545 °C and 16–19 kbar. It reflects high-pressure (HP)/low temperature (LT) metamorphism with low T/P ratios of <300 °C/GPa and thermal gradients of <10 °C/km. These blueschist-facies metamorphic rocks underwent rapid decompression starting at P-T conditions of <495 °C and <9.6 kbar during exhumation. Ar-Ar geochronology records paragonite Ar-Ar plateau ages of 520–506 Ma for the zoisite blueschist samples and phengite Ar-Ar plateau ages of 522–516 Ma for the Gln-bearing quartz schist samples, suggesting that the peak HP/LT metamorphism occurred prior to ca. 522 Ma. Based on new results and available data from the major Gondwana blocks, cold subduction was suggested to profoundly operate along circum-Gondwana in the early Cambrian after the amalgamation of Gondwana. The extensive circum-Gondwana subduction represents the earliest global cold subduction in Earth’s history associated with the establishment of the modern plate tectonics, as directly recorded by the studied early Cambrian blueschist-facies metamorphic rocks and a dramatic drop in the mean T/P of metamorphism since the early Paleozoic.  相似文献   
This study investigates urbanization and its potential environmental consequences in Shanghai and Stockholm metropolitan areas over two decades. Changes in land use/land cover are estimated from support vector machine classifications of Landsat mosaics with grey-level co-occurrence matrix features. Landscape metrics are used to investigate changes in landscape composition and configuration and to draw preliminary conclusions about environmental impacts. Speed and magnitude of urbanization is calculated by urbanization indices and the resulting impacts on the environment are quantified by ecosystem services. Growth of urban areas and urban green spaces occurred at the expense of cropland in both regions. Alongside a decrease in natural land cover, urban areas increased by approximately 120% in Shanghai, nearly ten times as much as in Stockholm, where the most significant land cover change was a 12% urban expansion that mostly replaced agricultural areas. From the landscape metrics results, it appears that fragmentation in both study regions occurred mainly due to the growth of high density built-up areas in previously more natural/agricultural environments, while the expansion of low density built-up areas was for the most part in conjunction with pre-existing patches. Urban growth resulted in ecosystem service value losses of approximately 445 million US dollars in Shanghai, mostly due to the decrease in natural coastal wetlands while in Stockholm the value of ecosystem services changed very little. Total urban growth in Shanghai was 1768 km2 and 100 km2 in Stockholm. The developed methodology is considered a straight-forward low-cost globally applicable approach to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate urban growth patterns that could help to address spatial, economic and ecological questions in urban and regional planning.  相似文献   
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